
This is the tally of El Bayadh police services for the month of April – New Algeria


registered Interests Judicial police during the month of April through a security sector state Al-Bayd: 143 criminal cases were dealt with, 119 of which were related to various crimes against persons and property, with a completion rate of 82%, in which 152 people were involved.

After bringing the suspects before Entities The regional competent judiciary recorded the following judicial results: 26 detention orders, 00 judicial oversight, 16 people who benefited from release, 110 files sent to the court, 00 direct summons, illegal residency, and one case involving a foreign national of Syrian nationality.

As for combating the phenomenon promotion Drugs of all kinds and alcoholic beverages illegally. 44 cases were dealt with, involving 54 people, as a result of which: 01,700 kilograms of processed kif and 10,390 hallucinogenic tablets were seized.

#tally #Bayadh #police #services #month #April #Algeria


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