
These are the mechanisms for registering students in preparatory education departments


The Ministry of Education on the details and mechanisms for registering students in preparatory education departments

The Ministry of Education revealed the details and mechanisms for registering students in preparatory education departments, who are between 5 and 6 years old, for school entry 2023-2024, announcing that the enrollment of preparatory students in schools will begin on October 10.

According to a correspondence addressed to state education directors and primary education inspectors, registration in preparatory education departments for the 2023-2024 school year applies only to children born between January 1 and December 31, 2018, within the limits of available pedagogical seats, provided that the number of children does not exceed 25 children in each. Educational regiment.

The correspondence stressed that the institutions should have study halls equipped with the furniture of the preparatory education department, in addition to the availability of a financial position, and that opening the preparatory departments should not cause a change in the working hours system in the primary school.

In this regard, the departments of Belabed confirmed that the head of the Department of Study and Examinations or Organization must be careful, as the case may be, and reserve the number of educational cohorts for preparatory education in each primary school, according to the educational organization, through his own account on the digital platform, no later than next October 3.

Regarding registration in preparatory education departments, the Ministry indicated that registration applications are submitted to the preparatory education department, in every open school that has a preparatory education department, according to the geographical district of each school, until next October 4.

The school principal is responsible for booking applications through his own account on the digital platform of the Ministry of National Education from October 1 to 5, where he extracts, through his own account on the digital platform of the Ministry of National Education, the list of children accepted into the preparatory department and their registration certificates, arranged in descending order according to their date of birth, and publishes them. In the school’s advertising space next October 9, the same source adds.

The Ministry has banned exceptional registrations in the preparatory department, with children enrolling in schools starting next October 10, after controlling the nominal lists of children accepted into the preparatory departments in accordance with the registration arrangements and procedures.

Directors of educational institutions must complete the reservation of information regarding children of preparatory departments in the information system of the Ministry of National Education, in accordance with the procedures in force, before the date of next October 15.

As for the process of supervising the preparatory classes, the Ministry of Education revealed that it is carried out by primary school teachers, who have benefited from training in supervising the preparatory departments or have previously supervised them.

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