The outputs of the government meeting – the Algerian dialogue

The Prime Minister, Ayman bin Abdul Rahman, chaired this Wednesday, March 22, 2023, a meeting of the government, which was held at the government palace..

During its weekly meeting, the government examined the following points:
in the field of agriculture:
The government has studied a draft executive decree, submitted by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which includes the abolition of the classification of an agricultural plot destined for the realization of housing in the form of rental sale with accompanying public equipment at the level of the municipality of Wadi Chaaba, Batna governorate.
Moreover, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development gave a presentation on the diagnosis and prospects for the development of model farms.
In this regard, the productive capacities of these farms and their organization model were reviewed, as well as the achieved results related to the objectives assigned to them.
Particular importance has also been given to aspects related to evaluating investment revival within the framework of partnership, especially with public institutions and bodies affiliated with the agricultural sector, with clear and measurable objectives set and timetables for their implementation.
On the other hand, it was emphasized that the activity of these farms should be directed towards a perspective aimed at gradually establishing reference agricultural investments that would contribute, in a tangible way, to strengthening the foundations of national food security.
The new approach adopted is to put the model farms on the path of innovation and performance, in a way that allows them to play a greater role in achieving production plans for the agricultural sector. These goals are outlined within an accurate work map.
In the field of public works:
The government listened to a presentation by the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on the problem of sand accumulation at the port level and the muddying of dams at the national level.
In this context, the presentation dealt with the ongoing program related to the dredging of eleven (11) ports, a fishing shelter and a commercial port, as well as the silt removal operations that currently concern eleven (11) dams.
After this presentation, it was decided to draw up an intervention plan according to a specific schedule that includes the study operations that must be recorded, as well as the work methods that must be followed, which take into account the nature of these base facilities.
The necessity of upgrading the active national tool in this field has also been studied in order to improve the social and economic profitability of structured public investments, in an optimal way, in the fields of ports and irrigation. her condition.

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