Sudden resignation of Ben Sheikha from JS Kabylie! – New Algeria

Announce Algerian coach Abdul Haq bin Sheikha, officially resigned from the artistic model For the youth of KabylieThis was after the end of the cup match, which brought together the Canaries with Esperance Guelma.

In press statements, after the end of the Taraji Thalema match, for the 32nd round From the Algerian CupThis evening, Ben Sheikha confirmed that he had put an end to his career with JS Kabylie, saying: “I want to tell you something, this is my last interview with JS Kabylie.”

He added: “I thank the residents of the state of Tizi Ouzou and the club officials who supported me. Hakim Madane presented a sports project at the highest level, but I was tired due to several circumstances. I am on trial every week. They are not satisfied even if I win.”

This decision comes as a surprise on the part ofGen“Given the positive results he recorded with Al-Shabab during the first leg.

#Sudden #resignation #Ben #Sheikha #Kabylie #Algeria


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