Representatives ask questions about antiquities..and this was the response of the Algerian Minister of Culture – Al-Hiwar

During the plenary session held by the National People’s Assembly yesterday, under the chairmanship of Mr. Munther Boden, the Minister of Culture and Arts, Suria Moulouji, answered 03 verbal questions.

The minister received questions from: Representative “Salehi Abdelrahman” from the Future Front party, representing the state of Ouargla, to rehabilitate the historical city “Al-Qasr Al-Atiq” in the state of Ouargla. And MP Reda Omran from the Future Front party representing the state of Annaba, on the measures taken by the Ministry of Culture and Arts to restore the old city and the Palace of Culture in the state of Annaba.

In addition to the deputy “Ahmed Ben Aissa” from the National Liberation Front party for the state of Saida, on the measures taken by the Ministry of Culture and Arts in order to legally establish some annexes of the main library for public reading in the state.

The Minister of Culture and Arts stated, during her response to the first question, that the Wilaya of Ouargla benefited in 2013 from registering a process related to the study of the permanent plan for the preserved sector of the Palace of Ouargla and its valuation in order to protect and preserve it, with a financial cover estimated at: 91 million DZD, which is considered a compulsory stage for registering a process Restoration of Ouargla Palace, however, it was affected by the freeze during 2015, which resulted in the disruption of the restoration process. However, the Ministry of Culture and Arts managed during the past days to lift the freeze on this process after it submitted a request at the end of 2022, in addition to the fact that the local interests of the Ministry have finished Preparation of the relevant book of conditions, and it is initiating the process of launching a national tender to select a specialized studies office to carry out this study, which will allow the registration of a complete restoration process for all real estate cultural properties located within the scope of this preserved sector.

When addressing the second question, the Minister explained that many historical monuments and cultural facilities in the state of Annaba have benefited from the recording of preservation and restoration operations, similar to the Hafsid Castle, which benefited from two operations, the first under the title “A Study to Reconfigure the Hafsid Castle in Annaba” and the second titled “Follow-up.” and the restoration works of the Hafsid Castle, which were affected by the freeze, but the Ministry prepared a complete technical file with a presentation of the reasons, and it was directed to the competent authorities with the aim of lifting the freeze on the study, which is a compulsory stage before registering another process to start the restoration work, and it is awaiting a response.

Suriya Moulouji stated, during her answer to the third question, that the Ministry of Culture and Arts seeks to provide all conditions and capabilities in terms of headquarters, human framework, equipment, documentary assets, and other requirements of the national policy that aims to promote reading and readability and spread knowledge and culture in all states of the country, including the state of Saida, who also benefited from a major library for public reading, to be a locomotive for public reading in the state, and to ensure the management and operation of a network of sectoral libraries, numbering 17 libraries, some of which are legally established and others that are completed and awaiting the establishment decision, but despite The absence of establishment decisions, however, did not prevent the sector from coordinating with the local authorities, a happy state, to ensure the opening, running and managing of these libraries, which are equipped with all the necessary and necessary equipment for their exploitation, just like the established libraries. They also offer various cultural and intellectual programs and contribute to the revitalization of the cultural scene. In the state of Saida in the best way. As for the “Al-Sokhouna” library, which was frozen, the freeze was lifted during the year 2022, and the percentage of works is very advanced in it and reached 75 percent, and it will be completed and delivered before the end of the current year, and in a related context, the ministry will work within The available capabilities, to obtain new licenses for establishment, similar to the recent decision of the Prime Minister, which allowed the legal establishment of 52 libraries for public reading in 2022, benefiting from some shadow areas, and a number of the ten newly created states, and work is continuing to include not only Saida state libraries, but a number of Public reading libraries spread all over the country.


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