Rabika: The massacres of May 8, 1945 paved the way to freedom for a defenseless and determined people – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryia

The Minister of the Mujahideen and People with Rights, Eid Rabika, affirmed that “the massacres of May 8, 1945 shaped the values ​​of sacrifice and redemption, worshiped the paths of freedom and the message of a defenseless, high-spirited people to those who celebrate the end of World War II, hoping to achieve the peoples’ right to self-determination.”

Rabika said in a speech delivered at the House of Culture Houari Boumediene in Setif at the outset of the celebrations of the National Day of Memory commemorating the 78th anniversary of the May 8th 1945 massacres that his ministerial department, embodying the government’s action plan and implementing the program of the President of the Republic, works to preserve the national memory and attaches great importance to writing history and informing it of various Modern methods, methods and media as important in documenting historical exploits and consolidating them in the minds.

“The commemoration of May 8, 1945 aims to fulfill the memory of the righteous martyrs and spread bright pages of Algeria’s glorious history,” the minister said, adding that “preserving the glories and passing them on to generations is a sacred duty towards the historical memory rich in lessons.”

He pointed out, as Rabika stressed, that “the massacres of May 8, 1945 shaped the values ​​of sacrifice and redemption, and worshiped the paths of freedom and the message of a defenseless, high-spirited people to those who celebrate the end of World War II, hoping to achieve the peoples’ right to self-determination.”

And at the Palace of Culture “Houari Boumediene”, the minister supervised, in the presence of the local civil and military authorities of the wilaya of Setif, Mujahideen and representatives of many organizations and associations, students and researchers, the launch of historical and cultural demonstrations commemorating the National Day of Memory, which were distinguished by a visit to the historical exhibition in the lobby of the House of Culture “Houari Boumediene”, interventions by professors from the University “Mohamed Lamine Dabaghin” about the massacres of the 8th of May 1945, from a historical, legal and human perspective, an epic and historical show “Algeria’s glories and exploits” presented by the Association of Communication for Music and authorized by the state of Setif. And honoring a number of the Mujahideen of Setif Province, by the way.

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