
Payment of the school scholarship next September – New Algeria


The heads of the municipal popular councils entered a race against time to control the situation Final nominal lists For those interested in obtaining a scholarship, collecting all data related to new registrants in the first year of primary school and transferring it by the directors of educational institutions before the end of this month.

Al-Amyar asked the directors of educational institutions to set the final nominal lists of the beneficiaries Grant Schooling by adding new registrants in the first year of primary school in accordance with what is stipulated in Executive Decree No. 21-61 of February 8, 2021, which includes the creation of a private school scholarship and determining the conditions for benefiting from it, and Ministerial Circular No. 1184 of June 16, 2021 issued by the Ministry of National Education.

The file for obtaining a school scholarship consists of a “school certificate” only for students who are currently studying. As for new students, they are required to submit one document proving their belonging to the groups concerned with this matter, along with withdrawing the application form to benefit from the private school scholarship, which includes details regarding the identity of the student and the social group to which he belongs. To it, whether he comes from a deprived family or his guardians or guardians do not have any income or that His monthly income Less than or equal to the guaranteed national minimum, in addition to other data related to the current postal account number of the student’s guardian and the student’s guardian number. Social security And other information about the marital status of the student’s guardian, the number of children, the people he takes care of, and the number of people with special needs.

A supplementary form shall be added to this form to request benefit from the private school scholarship, as stipulated in the aforementioned ministerial circular.

On the other hand, the Minister of National Education revealed, Abdel Hakim Belabedregarding the start date of distance registration in the first stage of primary education, starting from the next school entry.

Belabed will also begin, starting from the next school entry, to implement and implement the reduction of curricula and programs, and the process will begin at the primary education level, and he continued: “The subjects of Islamic education and the Arabic language will remain prescribed in all levels of education and will not be affected.”

Fouad Q

#Payment #school #scholarship #September #Algeria


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