
Establishing national institutes to train educational personnel… Belabed reveals – New Algeria


The first official revealed section Education Abdelhakim Belabed said that the establishment of public institutions of an administrative nature similar to national institutes is subject to a feasibility and sustainability assessment and to measures to strengthen the country’s internal and external balances.

In his response to written question No. 4622. Reference: Send Ministry Relations with Parliament, No. 1035 of March 25, 2024, submitted to it by Ablaila Afif, a deputy in the National People’s Assembly, relating to the establishment of a national institute for the training of employees of the national education sector in the state. Belabed said that initially the national institutes for the training of employees of the national education sector, in accordance with its model basic law, are concerned with ensuring training. Specializing in training, identifying employees’ knowledge, developing their professional competencies, and in this capacity contributing effectively to the formation of all categories of employees.

Whatever is attached By formation The specialist, preparatory pedagogist, or in-service training, in cooperation with the education directorates, and according to specific goals and axes, is the role played by the National Institute for the Training of National Education Sector Employees, Miqdad Boumediene, in the state of Bashar, towards the employees of the states that belong to it, including the state of decision, due to the capabilities available to it. And structures that ensure care for those involved

The representative of the government in Belabed indicated that the establishment of Institutions Public, of an administrative nature, similar to national institutes, subject to a feasibility and sustainability assessment procedure and to measures to strengthen the country’s internal and external balances in the field of public agreement. In light of these standards and controls, the project to establish a national training institute for employees of the national education sector in the state of Adrar remains in place, with the introduction of other technological alternatives to ensure Configuration processes.

#Establishing #national #institutes #train #educational #personnel.. #Belabed #reveals #Algeria


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