Emirati-Moroccan apprehension about the pre-elections in Algeria – New Algeria
After announcing the holding of pre-elections next September, Dawila’s pens lit up The UAEAnd its ally, the Kingdom of the Makhzen, the fires of war on the Al-Muradiya Palace and the institutions of Algeria.
The Emirati media began claiming that this pre-election decision was a prior concession by Tebboune from power, continuing its slander that there was a conflict between institutions. The Algerian state.
In a blatant interference in Algeria’s internal affairs, she left “Al-Arab” newspaper And by Its Moroccan journalistsfabricating lies about President Tebboune, and fake internal battles.
The two allies of the Zionist occupation did not hesitate, always, to try to incite strife inside and outside Algeria. At home, they worked to support the terrorist “MAK” movement, and tried to incite internal conflict and shake the stability of the country, after the Algerian people’s heart had been saddened in their hearts, and they had absorbed the lessons. On the other hand, they worked An ally of my house, Zion, to stir up problems in neighboring countries, especially Libya, and to support Haftar, or neighboring African countries, trying to create security tension within neighboring countries, and leaking chaos to Algeria, as well as generating tension with the same countries. These attempts were failed by the strength of Algerian diplomacy and sophistication in political positions. As well as the depth and strength of Algerian relations within the African continent.
Abu Dhabi had received a warning from the Algerian Supreme Security Council, especially after financing terrorist activities targeting security. Algeria In Paris, led by the MAC movement, as well as buying off the debts of African leaders, in order to change their position on the issue Western Desert.
Algeria witnessed popular demands to sever ties with this Zionist state, which seeks to break the security of our country, support the Israeli occupation in the Middle East, and export it to Africa.
#EmiratiMoroccan #apprehension #preelections #Algeria #Algeria