Today, Monday, Salih Goujil, Speaker of the National Assembly, chaired a public session devoted to presenting and discussing the text of the law that includes the Finance Law for the year 2023. It was attended by Brahim Jamal Kasali, Minister of Finance in his capacity as a representative of the government, and Eid Rubikah, Minister of Mujahideen and People with Rights; Mohamed Tarek Belaribi, Minister of Housing, Urbanism and the City; Kamal Razik, Minister of Trade and Export Promotion; Ali Aoun, Minister of Pharmaceutical Industry, and Basma Azwar, Minister of Relations with Parliament.
At the outset of the session, Salih Goujil, Speaker of the National Assembly, referred the speech to the government representative, Brahim Jamal Kasali, Minister of Finance, to present the text of the law, where he explained that the state budget for the year 2023 was prepared on the basis of a reference price for a barrel of oil estimated at $60 over the next three years ( 3) The coming years (2023-2025), adding that the expected growth rate for the year 2023 is in the range of 4.1 percent, and 4.4 percent in 2024, and the inflation level is 5.1 percent in 2023, then 4.6 percent in 2025.
With regard to the total revenues of the expected budget for the coming year, he added that the government expects it to rise to 7.901.9 billion DA, while expenditures will reach 13.786.8 billion DA, divided into operating expenses, which will amount to 9767.6 billion DA (+26.9 percent), with an increase as well. for equipment expenditures to 4.019.3 billion DA, an increase of +2.7 percent compared to the supplementary finance law for the year 2022 … highlighting that, starting from the expected levels of revenues and expenditures, the budget deficit will shift from 4.092.3 billion DA (-15.9 of GDP Crude) in the closing forecast for the year 2022 indicates an average deficit of 5.720.0 billion DZD during the period 2023-2025 (-20.6 of GDP).
As for the distribution of the management budget, the government representative highlighted that the text allocated 3037.41 billion DZD to cover expenses for raising the wages of employees affiliated with the central administration and central services (+23.55 percent compared to 2022). The financial impact of the state’s economic intervention will shift to 1927. 20 billion DA (+40.67 percent compared to 2022), distributed in particular on the contribution to the National Housing Fund, the increase in funds allocated to unemployment insurance, and the increase in the State’s contribution to the National Grain Office.
Turning to the equipment budget, which amounts to 4,019.28 billion DZD, the government representative explained that in 2023 it is mainly related to the completion of projects under completion and the registration of strategic and absolutely necessary projects, pointing out that in 2022 the freeze was lifted on a program estimated at more than 110 billion DZD. Directed to 217 value-added investment projects.
With regard to the revenues from commodity exports in 2023, the government representative confirmed that it is expected to reach 46.3 billion US dollars, compared to 44.4 billion dollars in the expectations of the Supplementary Finance Law 2022. He highlighted that a “slight increase” is expected in 2024 and 2025 to reach export revenues. to 46.4 billion dollars and 45.8 billion dollars; He attributed this to the decline in imports resulting from the policy of rationalizing expenditures adopted by the government.
After the presentation of the government representative, Mr. Abdelrahman Qanshouba, Rapporteur of the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, read out the preliminary report prepared by the committee regarding the text of the law that includes the Finance Law for the year 2023, in which the committee concluded that the government has begun the actual implementation of the new pattern of public financial governance, which constitutes A new approach adopts the implementation of financial appropriations according to the program instead of distribution according to sectors.. The text of the Finance Law for the year 2023 also included legislative measures aimed at providing financial support for the various measures taken by the state with the aim of encouraging investment and simplifying fiscal procedures while enhancing the purchasing power of families, reviewing the unemployment grant and valuing civil service salaries As well as pensions.
Based on the foregoing, the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee of the National Assembly appreciates the text of the Finance Law for the year 2023, considering that the approved budget is unprecedented since the restoration of independence, which constitutes the clearest evidence of the keenness of Abdelmadjid Tebboune, President of the Republic, to push forward the wheel of economic growth and consecrate the social character of the Algerian state, just as It was stipulated in the November reference.
After reading the report of the National Assembly’s Economic and Financial Affairs Committee, the floor was opened for the ladies and gentlemen of the parliament’s members to ask their questions, express their concerns, and express their opinions and observations regarding the text of the law presented for discussion, which centered in its entirety on the need to exploit the political will expressed by the President of the Republic in order to advance Economic growth and raising the performance of the national economy while preserving the social character of the state. The members of the Council also focused in their interventions (20 interveners) on the need to lift the freeze on vital and urgent projects, foremost of which are those that would improve the standard of living of citizens.
Commenting on the interventions of the members, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Salih Goujil, stressed the need to be objective in asking questions and expressing concerns. He directed the dispatch of temporary information missions to the states whose representatives among the members of the Council expressed development and administrative situations that deserve treatment after reviewing them…
This afternoon, the interventions of the ladies and gentlemen of the members of the National Assembly on the text will continue, to be completed tomorrow, Tuesday, and to be concluded with the interventions of the heads of the parliamentary groups represented in the parliament, after which the representative of the government will respond to what was put forward by the members of the parliament.
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