Algeria strengthens its score with 4 new medals in the African Games – New Algeria

Algeria boosted its score with 4 new medals in the 2023 African Games, which are currently ongoing in the Ghanaian capital, Accra.

And she came New medals Thanks to the karate-do athletes, who were crowned yesterday, Friday, with 3 gold medals and one silver.

The three gold medals went to Salim Alaa El-Din (60 kg), Abu Rish Louisa (55 kg) and Ayoub Anis Halasa (67 kg), while Celia Waikan (50 kg) won the silver medal.

The total number of Algerian medals in the discipline of karate-do (individual kumite) rose by seven after the three bronze medals won previously by Shaima Oudira (+68 kg), Karima Makkawi (-68 kg) and Hussein Daykhi (+84 kg).

Algeria ranks second in the overall medal table, with a total of 15 medals (3 gold, 3 silver, and 9 bronze).

Yesterday, Friday evening, the 13th edition of the African Games Accra 2023 was opened in the presence of Algeria, which participated with a delegation consisting of 299 people, including 222 athletes representing 18 disciplines, four of which qualified for the tournament.For the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris (Badminton, tennis, table tennis and triathlon).

The current African Games were scheduled for last summer, but were postponed to this year, keeping the same name “Accra 2023”. Its activities will continue until March 23.

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