The owner of “Twitter” Elon Musk announced on Friday evening that he will restart the accounts of a number of American journalists who had suspended them on the social network, including about 12 American journalists who are employees of media outlets such as “CNN”, “The New York Times” and “Washington.” Post” and independent journalists.
Musk said in a tweet: “People have spoken. Accounts that posted my whereabouts will be suspended.”
The billionaire accused them of endangering his and his family’s safety, after tweeting that a car carrying one of his children had been tracked in Los Angeles by a “crazy stalker”.
Musk suspended the account that was automatically transmitting the flight path of his private plane, asking his audience whether he should restart the suspended accounts immediately or within a week, and about 59 percent of the 3.69 million Internet users who participated in the survey answered that they should be restarted immediately.
And it was European Union Threatening to impose sanctions on maskas it was considered United nations His decision to suspend the accounts is a “dangerous precedent.”
#European #threats.. #Musk #announces #retraction #suspending #accounts #journalists #AlHiwar #AlJazaery
#oussama_boulegheb #elhiwardz #elhiwar #elhiwar-en